CX Team:
In the accordion on the Whalen Scholarship there are two bolded places where links should be inserted; however, they were broken from the original page. should be linked to "submit" and should be linked to "A completed scholarship application form"
In the accordion on the Graduate Student Conference Grant there are two bolded places where links should be inserted; however, they were broken from the original page. should link to "submit" and should liknk to "A completed graduate student conference grant application form."
Alex Charters Research Grant
Open to: ACHE members who have maintained a membership for at least one year immediately preceding application or doctoral students with sponsorship from an ACHE member institution
Focus: Research in adult and continuing higher education
Submission period: TBD
The purpose of the ACHE Alex Charters Research Grant is to promote the development and dissemination of new knowledge, theories, and practices in adult and continuing education. Up to two grants of $1500 each may be awarded.
ACHE members who have maintained membership for at least one year or doctoral students with sponsorship from an ACHE member institution are eligible to submit research grant proposals. Members of the Research Committee, national officers, and board members are not eligible. The Research Committee urges ACHE members to encourage doctoral students to apply for the grants.
Please submit an Alex Charters Research Grant Application, which will includes the following in a summary of not more than 1500 words:
Clear description of the problem
- The problem should be stated clearly.
- The problem should be significant enough to warrant research.
Level of applicability to the practice of adult and continuing education
- The proposal should describe the relevance of the research project including how the literature review will critique pertinent studies.
- The proposal should discuss the implications of the findings for the proposed research project. (Applicants are requested to submit the literature review, if completed already at the time of proposal submission.)
Theoretical or Conceptual Framework
- The theoretical framework should link with the problem.
- Concepts and the relationships between concepts should be defined.
Research Design
- The proposal should provide a thorough description of the design and its relationship to the problem.
Contribution of Research
- The proposal should discuss how the findings would relate to specific theories and concepts.
- The proposal should address ways in which the proposed research will foster additional research activities.
- The proposal should include a budget for the proposed research, including personnel and operating expenses that relate directly to the research activities.
For more information, contact:
Dr. Dianna Rust
Chair, Research Committee
Award winners who submit proposals for consideration in a given year will be notified in August of that year of their award. Recipients are then asked to share their research with the ACHE membership in one of three ways:
- by presenting at the Annual Conference & Meeting of the Association within 3 years of their award,
- by submitting their research to the Journal for Continuing Higher Education,
- or by writing about their research for the association's news, Five Minutes with ACHE.
Wayne L. Whelan Scholarship
The Association will award a scholarship to an ACHE member who has held membership in ACHE for at least one year immediately preceding application and who is engaged in graduate studies on either a full-time or part-time basis. One scholarship in the amount of $1000 may be awarded.
Open to: ACHE members who have maintained a membership for at least one year and are studying in the field of adult continuing higher education
Focus: Graduate study in adult and continuing higher education
Submission period: TBD
Applicant must:
- Be a full- or part-time graduate student currently enrolled or accepted for admission in an accredited graduate degree program;
- Be interested in the field of adult continuing education as a profession;
- Be an adult student 25 years of age or older;
- Have maintained an ACHE membership for at least one year prior to application.
Applicants must submit the following:
- A personal statement and explanation from the applicant (500-1000 words) of his or her interest in the award, why he or she should be considered a candidate, and financial interests/needs for his or her degree program;
- Three letters of support delineating the applicant's merits, course of study and how it relates to continuing higher education, and related explanations for the applicant's candidacy. Letters of support should include those from faculty and supervisors;
- A completed scholarship application form; and
- If the scholarship proceeds go toward research, the awardee shall make the results of that research available to the ACHE membership via Five Minutes with ACHE, the Journal of Continuing Higher Education, or a conference presentation within two years from the time of the award.
Graduate Student Conference Grant
Open to: ACHE members who have maintained a membership for at least one year immediately preceding application and are studying in the field of adult continuing higher education
Focus: Graduate study in adult and continuing higher education
Submission period: TBD
The purpose of the ACHE Graduate Student Conference Grant is to provide financial support to graduate students interested in attending the annual ACHE meeting. The Association members believe that their interest and future contributions to the field of continuing higher education will help maintain the vitality of the organization. The ACHE Graduate Student Conference Grant covers the awardee's conference registration fee, travel and lodging up to a maximum of $1500.
With Roger Maclean as Local Arrangements Chair for ACHE’s 67th Annual Meeting and the support of Dean Howard Martin, Division of Continuing Studies, the University of Wisconsin-Madison donated their administrative fee back to ACHE. This fee was the initial funding for the ACHE Graduate Student Conference Grant. ACHE is very grateful to Roger Maclean and the University of Wisconsin-Madison for creating this opportunity.
Future funding for this Grant will be through cash donations, endowments, memorial gifts and planned giving. The ACHE Graduate Student Conference Grant funds are held in a separate account from the ACHE annual budget.
ACHE Graduate Student Conference Grant Award Eligibility and Requirements
The Association will provide an award of up to $1500 to an ACHE member who has maintained a membership for at least one year and is engaged in graduate studies on either a full-time or part-time basis. Funds will go toward attendance at the ACHE Annual Conference & Meeting.
Applicant must:
- Be a full- or part-time graduate student currently enrolled in an accredited graduate degree program. The course of study must be applicable to the advancement of adult continuing education as a profession;
- Be an adult student 25 years of age or older;
- Have demonstrated commitment to the field through a minimum of 5 years experience in adult/continuing education;
- Be an active ACHE member who has maintained a membership for at least one year;
- Agree to share the results of graduate work with the membership of ACHE via Five Minutes with ACHE, the Journal of Continuing Higher Education, or a conference presentation within two years from the time of the award.
Applicants must submit the following:
- A personal statement and explanation from the applicant of his or her interest in the award, how the applicant meets the requirements for the award, and how the applicant feels attendance at the ACHE Annual Conference & Meeting will meet his or her professional goals (500 - 1,000 words);
- A resume or vitae outlining his or her experience in continuing higher education;
- A completed graduate student conference grant application form.