Marketing and Publication Awards

Crystal Marketing Award

Open to: Institutional & Organizational members in good standing
Submission period: Open Now - closes September 4, 2024! 

The Crystal Marketing Award recognizes the ACHE institution that achieves significant results from a marketing communications tool through a print, broadcast or electronic medium. The strategic approach, quality of the work, and results achieved are important criteria in determining the winner. A first-place award will be presented to the single entry that exemplifies the most creative and outstanding uses of marketing, either of a multi-faceted campaign or a single initiative. A number of honorable mentions may also be cited.

Types of Entries Examples of marketing communications tools that could bring the Award to your organization include, but are not limited to:

  • website design
  • electronic tools
  • print advertising
  • campaign broadcast spots (radio, television or Web)
  • publications
  • public relations events or a social networking campaign

The marketing/promotional initiative can include elements of print publication, radio and television, media relations, public relations activities, electronic communications, internal magazines, newsletters and similar tools.

Members may submit multiple entries. However, each entry must be in support of a continuing education program or activity, not of other branches of the school.

Submission Criteria...Applicants are asked to submit a nomination form that includes a 500-word summary of the program/project as fully implemented, and then answers to the following:

  • Who was the target audience?
  • What are your goals and objectives with this project?
  • How was the project implemented?
  • What was the budget, both projected and actual?
  • Has the project been evaluated? If so, what were the evaluation results?
  • What was the most significant lesson learned from the project?
  • How might other institutions replicate or adapt this program to their needs?

Submit Nomination for the Crystal Marketing Award 

Marlowe Froke Award

Open to: Authors for articles published in the previous year of the Journal of Continuing Higher Education

This award recognizes the most outstanding published article in the Journal of Continuing Higher Education in a given year. It allows ACHE to honor quality research and/or information relevant to continuing higher education.

Walter Pearson, editor of the Journal, and his committee determine the Marlowe Froke Award recipient. The award selection committee evaluates articles on the basis of both content and style. They weigh the extent to which the articles stimulate the reader to think, provide new ideas, show innovation, and contribute to the literature of the profession of continuing higher education. Recipients may or may not be a member of ACHE.